
Monday, 10 December 2018

Lily and the snowman

One snowing night there was a girl named Lily who built a snowman that came to life and he perform a movie while he was using his hand to make the shadow puppet a couple of hours later when the girl realised that he was melting she put him in the freezer with her teddy bear.

Then the older she got she didn't care about him and he felt lonely,scared,sad and shocked because he thought that she is not coming back for him.

Now she had her own job at the job she was stressed scared but when she realised that she forgotten about the snowman.Then she came back home and was frightened that he could not be there again but the snowman know that she will come back for him.

Then Lily had a children that now she can play with him and have so much fun together.

Friday, 7 September 2018

Lantetrns Light

One creepy dark night a lonely man was working in the  
lighthouse while all the people were dancing,drinking and
having fun but when the light went out all of the people
realised that there was something wrong with the light
when it went out.

So the old man went up to the top of the
lighthouse and was trying to fix the light
but in a distance a huge ship was almost
about to crash into a bunch of huge rock’s.

So the old man was trying to warn the people but when he open the door he
saw a light that was so bright that all of the people came to help the old man
to light the lighthouse so the ship could not crash into a bunch of huge rock’s
and the old was happy that the ship went away.
Image result for lighthouse

Thursday, 16 August 2018


I am swimming in the deep cold sea looking for some fish for
my babies. They are hungry that's
why I need to hunt for several hours for beluga whale, walrus,
reindeer, rodent, seabird, waterbird and fish.

When I arrived home from looking for some food I could
see the older brother teaching the babies how to swim in the
deep, cold sea and how to catch their own fish.

When day has gone and years have passed, I am old. My
babies has grown up to look for their own food and can
swim faster underneath the deep, cold sea. One of them
catches me a fish because thats what I did for them when
they were a babies.

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Throwing Snowballs

I see white and cold snow on top of my roof.
I hear kids throwing snowballs at my windows.
I smell beautiful flowers and my yummy dinner that my Mom is making.
I feel the burning hot fire from my fireplace.
I taste the yummy food that my Mom made for dinner and I taste the big fat juicy pig.
Image result for snowflake trees

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Financial Literacy

This week we had Chris, Sasha, Lyndsey and Jasmine from PwC to teach us about money. They taught us about how to save, borrow and donate and all of room 9 had fun. We also learnt about being
trustworthy, identity theft and minimising risk.

I learnt about how to donate, borrow and save. My favourite thing was watching my friends act out a funny play. I had lots of fun.

Thank you PwC for teaching us.

Monday, 14 May 2018

Legend of Nian

One legend tells of the monster Nian, who attacked humans on the night before a new year. This monster was frightened by a god, dressed as an old man, with crackling, burning bamboo. This god taught the humans that Nian is afraid of the bright colour red and loud  musical instrument noises and crackling firework.

Image result for Nian

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Friday, 4 May 2018

My Holiday

During the holidays my brother and I went to the pool. When we got there it was a very hot. When we went in it was a beautiful place there were water slides, water balloon and water gun’s. 1 min later we played a game called Capture the flag. The team that won was code red then after the game we had ice cream and after that we took a splash then we went to the park and we played tag, rugby and hide and seek.After that we went back home we had lunch. When lunch was over we had a movie night, the movie we watched was Happy Feet Two. When the movie was over we had dinner. After dinner we all went to bed.

Thursday, 3 May 2018


1.Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun in our
Solar System.

2.Saturn is the least dense planet in the Solar

3.Saturn is a flattened ball.

4.The first astronomers thought the rings were moons.

5.Saturn has only been visited 4 times by spacecraft.

6.Saturn has 62 moons.

7.Here are some fun facts about the ringed planet.
Saturn is huge. It is the second largest planet in our
solar system. Jupiter is the only planet that is bigger.

8.Galileo Galilei was the first to observe Saturn with
his telescope in 1610.

Friday, 16 February 2018



Tean Koutou
NO Pammure (ahau)

KO Gideon toku papa (father)

KO Mama toku whaea (mother)

KO Jaydin toku ingoa (name)

Tena koutou tena koutou tena koutou katoa