
Monday, 17 February 2020

Problem Solving

Manu collected 183 stamps in January. By March he had 834. How many stamps did he add to his collected in February?

834 - 183 =
800 - 180 =620
34 - 3 =31
620 + 31=651

So what i know is that i can not take away 30 from 80 so what i do is combined 80 and 100 which is =180 So 180 - 800=620 then i am left with 34 and 3 then i do 34 - 3=31 then i add them all up together so 620 + 31=651


As I arrived at school I only had 3 more minutes to get to class before the bell rings. When the bell rang I saw all of the students going to class then I ran to class and put my bag on the hock and helped do the chairs when all of the students came to class we all sat down on the chairs while we were waiting for Mrs Ray to do the role. As she finished doing the role she told us that we were going to watch a short clip of swimming as we were about to watch the clip the staff told us that the pool will be closed and no class is allowed to go swimming.

Then Mrs Ray told us if we wanted to watch the short clip or go outside for fitness then we all said fitness then we all grab our hat then line up outside the hallway then we all went to the courts as we were on the courts we all made a circle then we did some stretch then the next person did a different stretch.

When we were done with the stretches we play invisible touch all of us were put into house which was Kowhai and Nikua and Rata and Kauri as we were playing it was going ok but until the end the game was getting out of control the Mrs Ray had to stop the game then we were told to get into two lines then we all went back to class and watch the short clip of swimming which was about how to improved our freestyle.

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Water Fun Day

As I arrived at school I was so excited because it was Water fun day today i went to room 5 to get my face painted and a bandana while getting change as the school bell rang room 7 went on to the courts and site down on the bench while we were waiting for the reset of the school. 

As all of the classes were up on the courts we all went to our house groups which was Kowhai,Nikua,Kauri and Rata and did our house chant as the houses finish there chant our prinseblie send us off in our classes.

First we went to the pools and had free time as the bell rang we all hop out of the pool and went to our next activity which was Water boom we had to stand behind a cone and the person in the front had a water balloon and they had to toss it to whoever is behind a cone and run back to the back of the line but if the balloon pop then the team had to start all over again and the winners were aloud to splash the teacher with the water balloon but sadly Kowhai lost. 

Then we went to our next activity which was Lava flow and what we had to do in that activity we had to hop into the hoola hoop and run around the cone and feel up our house bucket then run back to our teammates and give them the cup we went back and forward until the bell rang then we move on to our next activity. 

After our last activity we went to Mr Nath activity which was Holy moly and we had to grab the cup which was in a bucket full of water and the cup had holes and we had to stop the water from coming out when i heard the bell rang i ran a fast as i could while trying to not spilling any water by the time the bell rang we were so excited because it was our turn to go on to the water slide as we went up on the hill we listen to the teacher what to do and she said the best sliding wins 200 house point for your house and she told us to be carid full because of the nails in the ground. As the bell rang we all went one by one down the slide until the bell rang again then the teacher told us we could go down the slide again then we move on to our last activity.

Which was Sponge bob were we had to dip a sponge into the bucket full of water then pass the sponge under or over then it repeats as the bell rang we went as fast as we could to try and feel up our buckets and trying to be quick as possible but when the bell rang we all hi five each other with joe and then all of the classes came back up on the courts and that when our teacher Mrs tofa pronounce the winner which was Nikua then they did there chant then we all went back to class.

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Fun in Kiwican

Today we had Kiwican the theme was Positive Relationship and the topic was Fair Play. First we played an energizer called 21 the boys and girls were split into team the rules were you could only say two numbers when its someone turn you can not call out the answer or you are out.

Then we went outside to play our next activity called Human Bowling the aim of the game was to try and get all of the student out on the other side and if you move or flinch then you are out and the boys won this game

After our activity we went inside and played our final activity called End of the road this game was a quick thinking game but sadly the boys lost and the girls won.