
Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Friday, 5 March 2021

Measurement task for Friday 5 March 2021

 Please make a copy of this document and save it to your maths folder

Try to solve the problems independently. 

You may use diagrams to explain your thinking.

We will discuss as a group what strategies you used to solve the problems

WALT: use multiplicative and/or additive strategies to solve  measurement problems.

  1. A student measures her height with a 30 cm long ruler.

  2. She finds that she is four and a half rulers high. How tall is

  3. she in cm? 30cmx4=120cm    ½ of 30cm=15cm  120cm+15cm=135cm

  1. A student is told that they are 1.45 m tall. How tall is this in cm? 145cm

  1. If it takes 3 hours to drive 210 km, what was the average speed of the journey?

  2. 210 divided by 3=70kph

  1. A class of 28 is split into small groups. How big can those groups be?

  2. Factors of 28 1 2 4 7 14

  1. A car, travelling at an average speed of 70 km/ph is in a journey of 210 km. 

How long will the journey take? 70x3=210km so it will take 3 hours to get there.

  1. A long distance swimmer takes 80 strokes to swim 100 metres.

  2. He wants to swim across Lake Taupo, a distance of 4200 metres. 

a. How many strokes will it take for him to swim across the lake? 

b. If he can swim at a rate of 60 strokes per minute, how many

minutes could he swim across the lake in?

c. Can he expect to beat the 2015 champion swimmer who

crossed the lake in a time of 51 minutes and 48 seconds?

No because he did it in 56 minutes and the swimmer did it in 51 minutes.

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

What changes did the settlers brought to NZ

 What changes did the settlers brought to NZ


The Treaty of Waitangi was signed on 6 February 1840. The Treaty

of Waitangi is an agreement between the British and the Maori

and the precise date of of the signing can be found in the Treaty

itself or on websites as well as some books. The Treaty of Waitangi

got its name from a place called Waitangi which is in the Bay of Islands


The Bay of Islands is in the northern part of New Zealand. It was signed

in the Bay of Island  because there were a lot of settlers and missionaries

and Maori tribes. So the British came to negotiate a formal agreement with

the Maori. Called the “Treaty of Waitangi” There were two versions of the treaty one in English and one in Maori.


Because there were two versions of the Treaty one in English and one in

Maori it was easy for the British to to write  completely different things

on the treaty. Both the Treaty’s were written by William Hobson because

the Maori couldn’t understand English. Hone Heke Said that the Treaty

would be good for the Maori but little did he know that they were being tricked by the British.


The Maori were being tricked by the British because the Treaty was not

exact copies of each other but little did Hone Heke know that the Maori

were being tricked into signing the Treaty and being looted of their land.

Maori Migration Map




  1. One third of the animals in the barn are chickens. The rest are pigs.

There are 20 legs in all.

How many pigs are there? There are four pigs.

If ⅓ are chickens then ⅔ are pigs. Each chicken has two legs and each pig has four legs.

  1. I have three dogs of different ages.

If I add their ages together I get 15.

If I multiply their ages together I get 45.

How old are my dogs? The dogs ages are 1, 5, and 9

Because 1+5+9=15 and 9x5x1=45

  1. Niko and Kaia buy their father a card for Fathers’ Day.

The card costs $5.90. Niko puts

in 40c more than Kaia.

How much do they each contribute

to the card?

Half of $5.90 is $2.95 Niko put 40c more

so Niko payed $3.15 and Kaia payed $2.75

  1. I think that you’ll find a pattern in the numbers below.

8 x 8 + 13 =77

88 x 8 + 13 =717

888 x 8 + 13 =7117

8888 x 8 + 13 =71117

88888 x 8 + 13 =711117

Does the pattern extend indefinitely?

Yes Because 88888888888x8+13=


Family Tree


Monday, 1 March 2021

William Hobson/Infographic


Name:William Hobson

Date of birth:26 September 1792 - Waterford

Died:10 September 1842 - Auckland

William Hobson was born in Waterford, Ireland, on 26 September 1792, the third of five sons of Samuel Hobson. William joined the Royal Navy before his 10th birthday.

Captain William Hobson was a British Royal Navy officer who served as the first Governor of New Zealand. Hobson was the First Governor of New Zealand and the Co-author of the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi. 

He joined the Royal Navy in 1803, at the tender age of ten years, and was promoted to Commander in 1824.

Cyber smart

 Cyber smart challenge Three

Cyber smart

 Cyber smart challenge two