Today for technology we studied about vertebrates and invertebrates with Mrs Sharma. Vertebrates are animals that have backbones such as humans, horses and other animals. While invertebrates have no backbone this group of animals consists of insects, spiders, snails and more. After that we had a Kahoot game about invertebrates and vertebrates and we had fun learning with Mrs Sharma and we hope to learn some more with her.
I am a Year 8 student at Glenbrae School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 7 and my teachers are Mrs Tofa and Mrs Raj.
Friday, 19 November 2021
Tuesday, 16 November 2021
Thursday, 11 November 2021
Monday, 1 November 2021
Friday, 22 October 2021
Science - Weather
And this was the question that our science teacher gave us.
Which is your favorite weather and why? - My favorite weather is sunny because I just like to play outside and have nice light from the sun.

Monday, 18 October 2021
Task 2 - Niue Language Week - Screencastify
Task 1 - Niue Language Week - Kahoot
Friday, 1 October 2021
Toy - Homemade fidgets
Technology - States of matter
Today for Technology we learnt about different types of matter and what they do is was fun learning about states of matter and I had fun.
Tuesday, 21 September 2021
ToiToi Challenge-PWC
Today I did the Toitoi challenge and I had to answer and listen to the challenges. There were 9 stories that I could pick but I only picked the first 2 but I really enjoyed the story's and I have finished 2 challenge's and I also got a certificate at the end.

Friday, 17 September 2021
Technology - Flower power
Today for technology we learnt about parts of a flower and what they do and why
So our task was to create a diagram about a flower and label the parts of the flower
So this a picture of my diagram I tried my best to draw but anyways here my diagram.
After I played both of the games that was on the site and I got all of the answers right and my time was 19 seconds.
Link for the games - Flower game Flower game
Current event
Today I read an article about a hedgehog in England that got trapped in a parking lot drain on the 29th August 2021. Heaps of crews that are in England came to help. WRAS crew and the firefighters were able to get the hedgehog safely out of the drain, the animal shop took the hedgehog for a check to see if the hedgehog is hurt but nope the hedgehog was alright, so they went back into the wild and tried to find a home of the hedgehog so he could be safe.
Wednesday, 15 September 2021
Current event
Today I read an article about about a Cat named Arnold that got trained by the New Zealand Police. I also read that they had put a video out about their new recruit Arnold on Facebook and the video got 1M - views and 16,000 - comments. Arnold can jump through hoops and the Police said that they would keep people updated on Arnold's training on their Facebook page.
Monday, 13 September 2021
Current event
Today I read an article about New Zealand has recorded its warmest winter on record.
For the three months from June, July, and August 2021, the average temperature was 9.8C, according to New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA).
This is a huge 1.3C above the long-term average and higher than the previous record set in 2020.
Friday, 10 September 2021
Current event

Thursday, 9 September 2021
Current event
Today I read an article about Lisa Adams winning the gold medal in shot put for the Paralympics. Lisa has beaten her rival Mi Na from China with a throw of 15.12 meters. Valerie Adams and two time Olympics champion has coached Lisa.

Tongan Language Week - Learning how to count from 0 - 100 in Tongan
Today for Tongan Language Week I learn't how to count from 13-20 in Tongan.
Wednesday, 8 September 2021
Current event
Tongan Language Week - Learning how to count from 13 - 20 in Tongan
Today for Tongan Language Week I learn't how to count from 13-20 in Tongan.
Tuesday, 7 September 2021
Current event
Today I read an article about Anna Grimaldi has jumped to the gold medal in the T47 long jump at the Tokyo Paralympics. She also had set a new Paralympic record with her first jump of 5.74 meters in wet conditions. She then extended her lead with a jump of 5.76m in her fourth jump and couldn’t better it on her fifth and sixth leaps. Grimaldi was the defending champion in this event after winning gold at the last Paralympics in Rio five years ago.
Tongan Language Week - Learning how to count from 1 - 12 in Tongan
Today for Tongan Language Week I learn't how to count from 1-12 in Tongan.
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
Current event
Today I read an article about William Stedman who had won a silver medal in the Tokyo Paralympic Games. Stedman was in fifth place with only one jump remaining. However, Stedman saved his best jump for last as he then leaped 5.64m to secure his medal in the T36 long jump. This final jump was a personal best and an Oceania record. Stedman now has three Paralympic medals after claiming the 400 and 800 meters at the 2016 Rio Paralympics.
Monday, 30 August 2021
Current Events
Wednesday, 11 August 2021
Snow planet - Recount
After we put on our boots we had to get our helmets and then we all headed inside the snow area. It was really fun when we got our tubes and slid down the slide, bumping into the ice and spinning around in circles.
The other activity that was there were toboggans, we would jump in the toboggan and slide down another slide.
It was really fun at Snow Planet and I hope that we will go there again soon.
Friday, 6 August 2021
Mud run Trip
As I woke up we had already arrived at our destination at Helensville for the tough guy and tough gal mud run there were so many schools there and we were one of them. We all got a bib number with the color blue on it and everyone got a bib number but some of us had different colors than the rest than my classmates and I all got into a small circle and did some stretches, as we were done with the stretches the announcer call everyone that was wearing a bib number with the color blue on it to come down to the starting line as we were near the starting line I was excited and a bit nervous because it was my first time then all of a sudden "Bang!" then we were off me and my brother (Gideon) took off away from all of our friends and trying to catch up with the people that were in 1st place as we were running we seen kids getting muddy and falling over into the mud but me and my brother tried not to get too much mud on us we then had to cross a small little pond me thinking it was not that deep so I try to run across it but then all of a sudden I end up falling into the pond all soaking wet but still carried on and we have also seen a lot of kids shoe in the mud. Then we had to go up this steep hill while everyone was walking my brother and I ran past all of them as we made it up that difficult hill we can see everyone that attended the race and even the starting line we then had to climb over a way taller fence then me but my brother and I were up for any challenges so we climb that fence as fast as we could and made it over before some of them that were already there before me and my brother we then had to run down the hill while trying not to fall over. The next challenge was to crawl like you are in the army under a net that has spikes on it and through a small tunnel we then had to jump over some large trees that were cut down as we were getting closer to the finish line the mud was getting so sticky then my feet got stuck in the mud and that I couldn't get it out but after I gave it a little shake my feet were finally free then I just carried on running. As we got near the finish line we had to cross a bridge but we had to watch out cause it was slippery but as I crossed the bridge I could see the finish line I then started sprinting past all of the kids that were in front of me and crossed the finish line as I did I felt tired but happy that I made it with my brother. As everyone was done we all had a nice warm shower and ate lunch after that we also stayed for prize giving the sad thing was that not all of us could get a prize but two of my classmates did which they got them self a soccer ball and a rugby ball. As prize-giving was over we were all exhausted from all the running that we did we all then got into the car and drove off back to school.
It was very fun and I wish to do it again one day.
Thursday, 5 August 2021
Gymnastics Kelly Sports
Coach Zayde was teaching us gymnastics body positions and some of the positions that we explored were
- Tuck sit
- L sit
- Happy cat
- Angry cat
- Straddle sit
- Motorbike landing
Thursday, 29 July 2021
Kiwi Can
Today for Kiwi Can we talked about emotions. We learned about what are emotions were and what kind of emotions we have like Sad, Mad, Happy, Excited, Lonely and many more. We also had an energizer where you had to find a partner. One of them will be a statue and the other one will be the creator. I partnered up with my buddy Soane, He wanted me to be the statue so i agreed we were told the instructions which was Miss B would call out an emotion and the creator had to make his statue look like the emotions. We had a few round and for the last round we got to pick an emotion for partner/statue to do.
For our activity we had to partner up in to groups of 5 or more, I was with Soane, Sione, Gideon, Taylor and AJ. We had to make a play/skit about the emotion Miss B gave us, the emotion we got was angry. The first two groups did their skit and then it was our turn and then another groups turn. It was funny and everyone laughed when the groups were doing there skits.
I really enjoyed Kiwi Can today and can't wait for next week.
Wednesday, 30 June 2021
Today we learnt about statistics using mean median and mode. Mean stands for average, to find the mean you have to add all your numbers and divide the answer you got with how much numbers are there. Median is just like the middle and mode the most occurring number so like the number that appeasers the most.
This is the data room 7 and I worked on.
Monday, 24 May 2021
Technology: Graphics
Mālō e lelei, for our first lesson in tech we started off by coding a dice on the Microbit labeled as Graphical Dice. Below is a screencastify of the simulated Dice in action.
Lesson 2: Step Counter
The second code we coded on the Microbit was a step counter.To make this work we slipped the microbit into our shoe/pocket and the microbit would count our steps on the leg the microbit was in. Here was the code.
A similar code we coded measures your stride from our steps.
Thursday, 13 May 2021
WALT: We are learning to create accurate floor plans for building a house. We used to do this. Here are my plans.
What I learnt from doing this activity is before building a house you need a
- Floor plan.
- Where the rooms are going to be.
- The measurement of the house .
- And if the door goes in or out.
If I joined the building industry I would like to be a engineer.
Wednesday, 12 May 2021
Kiwi can - Week 2 Discussion

Friday, 7 May 2021
Coding the Microbit
Today for tech , Room 7 were learning how to code a Microbit. Every time I shake the microbit, it will randomly pick a number from 1 to 3. But the numbers are shown either as Rock , Paper or Scissors. Number one will be shown as Paper , Number Two will be shown as Rock and Number 3 will be shown as Scissors.
Tuesday, 4 May 2021
Thursday, 18 March 2021
Monday, 15 March 2021
Reading - Word art
Friday, 5 March 2021
Measurement task for Friday 5 March 2021
Please make a copy of this document and save it to your maths folder
Try to solve the problems independently.
You may use diagrams to explain your thinking.
We will discuss as a group what strategies you used to solve the problems
WALT: use multiplicative and/or additive strategies to solve measurement problems.
A student measures her height with a 30 cm long ruler.
She finds that she is four and a half rulers high. How tall is
she in cm? 30cmx4=120cm ½ of 30cm=15cm 120cm+15cm=135cm
A student is told that they are 1.45 m tall. How tall is this in cm? 145cm
If it takes 3 hours to drive 210 km, what was the average speed of the journey?
210 divided by 3=70kph
A class of 28 is split into small groups. How big can those groups be?
Factors of 28 1 2 4 7 14
A car, travelling at an average speed of 70 km/ph is in a journey of 210 km.
How long will the journey take? 70x3=210km so it will take 3 hours to get there.
A long distance swimmer takes 80 strokes to swim 100 metres.
He wants to swim across Lake Taupo, a distance of 4200 metres.
a. How many strokes will it take for him to swim across the lake?
b. If he can swim at a rate of 60 strokes per minute, how many
minutes could he swim across the lake in?
c. Can he expect to beat the 2015 champion swimmer who
crossed the lake in a time of 51 minutes and 48 seconds?
No because he did it in 56 minutes and the swimmer did it in 51 minutes.
Wednesday, 3 March 2021
What changes did the settlers brought to NZ
What changes did the settlers brought to NZ
The Treaty of Waitangi was signed on 6 February 1840. The Treaty
of Waitangi is an agreement between the British and the Maori
and the precise date of of the signing can be found in the Treaty
itself or on websites as well as some books. The Treaty of Waitangi
got its name from a place called Waitangi which is in the Bay of Islands
The Bay of Islands is in the northern part of New Zealand. It was signed
in the Bay of Island because there were a lot of settlers and missionaries
and Maori tribes. So the British came to negotiate a formal agreement with
the Maori. Called the “Treaty of Waitangi” There were two versions of the treaty one in English and one in Maori.
Because there were two versions of the Treaty one in English and one in
Maori it was easy for the British to to write completely different things
on the treaty. Both the Treaty’s were written by William Hobson because
the Maori couldn’t understand English. Hone Heke Said that the Treaty
would be good for the Maori but little did he know that they were being tricked by the British.
The Maori were being tricked by the British because the Treaty was not
exact copies of each other but little did Hone Heke know that the Maori
were being tricked into signing the Treaty and being looted of their land.
One third of the animals in the barn are chickens. The rest are pigs.
There are 20 legs in all.
How many pigs are there? There are four pigs.
If ⅓ are chickens then ⅔ are pigs. Each chicken has two legs and each pig has four legs.
I have three dogs of different ages.
If I add their ages together I get 15.
If I multiply their ages together I get 45.
How old are my dogs? The dogs ages are 1, 5, and 9
Because 1+5+9=15 and 9x5x1=45
Niko and Kaia buy their father a card for Fathers’ Day.
The card costs $5.90. Niko puts
in 40c more than Kaia.
How much do they each contribute
to the card?
Half of $5.90 is $2.95 Niko put 40c more
so Niko payed $3.15 and Kaia payed $2.75
I think that you’ll find a pattern in the numbers below.
8 x 8 + 13 =77
88 x 8 + 13 =717
888 x 8 + 13 =7117
8888 x 8 + 13 =71117
88888 x 8 + 13 =711117
Does the pattern extend indefinitely?
Yes Because 88888888888x8+13=
Tuesday, 2 March 2021
Emoji Maths
In Room 7, we had to make out own Emoji Math like we did last year. Here is mine and I hope you enjoy it.
Monday, 1 March 2021
William Hobson/Infographic
Name:William Hobson
Date of birth:26 September 1792 - Waterford
Died:10 September 1842 - Auckland
William Hobson was born in Waterford, Ireland, on 26 September 1792, the third of five sons of Samuel Hobson. William joined the Royal Navy before his 10th birthday.
Captain William Hobson was a British Royal Navy officer who served as the first Governor of New Zealand. Hobson was the First Governor of New Zealand and the Co-author of the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi.
He joined the Royal Navy in 1803, at the tender age of ten years, and was promoted to Commander in 1824.